Self Help Tips to Keep Your Motivation High

What’s new in the area motivation?

Daniel Pink on the Surprising Science of Motivation Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t — Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for some illuminating examples.

Self Help Motivation Challenges

Self [tag-tec]motivation[/tag-tec] can sometimes be challenging. Here are a few posts and a great picture we found surfing around the web.  We hope they’ll support you to stay motivated and create the life you truly want.

Motivational Self Improvement | Self Help to Calm Yourself and Be less Stressed

Being calm in life, and having mental and emotional calmness when you make important decisions, is a basic self help skill that we all need to master.

Spiritual Thinking & Tapping — Faster EFT

ETF to help you to live your dreams life.  Whether you’re looking for financial freedom, personal freedom,  self-esteem or •[tag-tec] self-help motivation[/tag-tec] tapping can help.

Don’t Miss These 7 Self Help Motivation – Personal Success Factors

Feed Your Brain! Success Factors for Self-Help Motivation and Personal Growth Development.

A Little Push

“The only person that can really push you that little bit further in life is yourself.”

Author: stephaniedan

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Got Risk? A Little Motivation Can Go a Long Way

Tag: Personal GrowthBeth Banning

Life = Risk So Just Say Yes!

Risk of failure? Yes!  Risk of looking bad? Yes! Risk having confidence in yourself when no one else does? Yes! Risk of looking too good where people might be jealous of you. Yes! All these risks and more are worth taking when you go for what you want and stick with it until you get it.

No matter who you are, your level of education, or your standing in the community, you are–and always have been–capable of achieving what you deeply desire.

Life involves risk and the life you truly want may even be a little riskier.  So here’s a little [tag-tec]Self-Help Motivation[/tag-tec] video to keep you inspired and moving towards the life you want.


Certainly, every human being is filled with tremendous potential and abilities, yet too often they go unrealized because of our failure to break free from the social conditions designed to perpetuate avenues of personal failure rather than avenues for actualization and transformation.
~ Ian Robertson

What would you be willing to risk to break free from your conditioning and transform your life?

Self Help Motivation – The Experts Agree!

Tag: Personal Growth,Self Help MotivationBeth and Neill

True Self-Help Motivation is Found Within

When you’re wanting  a little [tag-tec]self help motivation[/tag-tec], it can be confusing about where to look for it or who to listen to. Here’s a collection of [tag-tec]TED videos[/tag-tec] on the subject that we enjoy.  And guess what, they agree with us. [tag-tec]The best source of motivation[/tag-tec] is found within.


[tag-tec]Tony Robbins[/tag-tec]: Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better

Tony Robbins discusses the “invisible forces” that motivate everyone’s actions — and high-fives Al Gore in the front row.

A performance from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes — including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on


Behavioral Economics of Intrinsic Motivation

One of the most basic questions I hear from managers is: How can I do a better job of motivating my team? Should you use a bigger carrot or a sharper stick? In Dan Pink’s new book Drive and his latest TED talk he makes the distinction between extrinsic motivators like strict schedules and large bonuses and intrinsic motivators like autonomy, mastery, and purpose. He makes the case that employees performing jobs that require more than just basic cognition, are less productive when motivated with money.


Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.


Let us know what you think.

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Self Help Motivation vs. Shelf Help Motivation

Tag: Personal Growth,Self Help MotivationBeth Banning

[tag-tec]Self Help Motivation[/tag-tec] Tip of the Day

Inspiration is the best source of true and lasting motivation and motivation is essential in accomplishing any specific goal. So what’s the difference between inspiration and motivation?

Let’s say your goal is to make $1 million. We suggest that it’s not really the $1 million that’s inspiring to you. If this is true, then it’s likely you’ll give up on the million dollar goal if you are only using that idea to motivate  you.

Now on the other hand, if you delve into the idea of having $1 million to figure out what you want at a core level that had you pick this goal in the first place–what truly inspired choosing this goal–then your [tag-tec]motivation[/tag-tec] will stay high.

119/365 books
Image by CR Artist via Flickr

This is the best way to generate inspired [tag-tec]Self Help Motivation[/tag-tec]. Much better than tricks, techniques or systems that all to soon become Shelf Help Motivation.

Why is this true? Because what  inspired to you want the million dollars is what it can help you experience–how you can use the million dollars to make you happy–what it can help you become.

So the next time you choose a goal, get to the root of why you want it before you start figuring out how you’re going to get it.

For more about this, see our series on how you can: Turn Your Limiting Beliefs Into Powerful Self Help Motivation

Finding Self Help Motivation — Connecting with Your Higher Purpose – Part 3

Are Your [tag-tech]Self-Help[/tag-tech], [tag-tech]Personal or Professional Goals[/tag-tech] Stuck in a Rut?

self help motivation rutHave you ever done a [tag-tech]self help program[/tag-tech]–experienced that surge of inspiration in the beginning–then lost motivation for your initial [tag-tech]self help goal[/tag-tech]? If so, you may want rediscover the power of connecting with your [tag-tech]higher purpose[/tag-tech].

Many times we find ourselves so caught up in the circumstances of our life that it’s easy to focus solely on the problems at hand. We tend to approach life as a series of short-term goals designed take care of our most immediate needs. And while we may keep our long-range goals in mind in the process, the hustle and bustle of all of this activity can easily end up dragging us into an “in order to” rut.

In Order To. . .

  • resolve a problem
  • satisfy an immediate desire
  • accomplish a short-term objective
  • make progress toward a long-term objective

Is Too Much Activity Digging You into a [tag-tech]Motivation[/tag-tech] Rut?

While these are all great strategies “in order to” provide a certain level of progress and accomplishment, at the same time focusing so closely on the immediate circumstances of our life and the pressing goals we’ve set for ourselves can lead to sort of myopia. A nearsightedness that disconnects us from the deeper and more profound sense of calling and [tag-tech]purpose in our life[/tag-tech].

We can just as easily get into an “in order to” rut with our personal development work or our various self help programs.

The surest sign this happening is a loss of enthusiasm about what you’re doing. It’s especially hard to keep-on keeping-on in any sort of [tag-tech]self help[/tag-tech] regimen when you’ve started feeling a sense of apathy, boredom, and drudgery about doing the work.

What’s the Best Way to Get Out Of a “No Motivation” Rut?

If you find you’ve lost a sense of motivation in any area of your life, whether a self development course, or working toward one of your personal or professional goals, it’s time to take stock of how connected you are with your deeper sense of purpose in life.

For us, this usually involves getting reconnected with what we hold as most deeply valuable in life. This requires that we turn our attention again and again to the principles and aspirations that give us our deepest sense of [tag-tech]inspiration[/tag-tech].

A few years ago we turned our attention from doing live, in-person seminars to supporting a much larger community through the internet. As many of you may already know, creating success with any online business is no small feat.

Many times during our journey we’ve found ourselves needing to pay attention to our own [tag-tech]personal growth[/tag-tech] process. This has been the best way to support maintaining the focus we’ve needed to generate momentum in online business. Whenever we found our motivation diminishing it was vital for us to reconnect with the profoundly inspiring vision we have of helping support the creation of a world that works for everyone.

What Are You Most Passionate about Seeing Happen in the World?

Helping people learn how to turn their attention from suffering and toward creating more vitality, success, and happiness in their lives is one way that we express our own sense of higher purpose. This vision is a deep well of inspiration we are able to draw from whenever we need to replenish our [tag-tech]sense of motivation[/tag-tech].

In any moment that you are not connected to your sense of higher purpose–your commitment to contributing to something larger than yourself–it’s not surprising that you might find yourself lacking the motivation you need to carry on, whether it’s to complete some [tag-techg]self help program[/tag-tech] or attain any of your [tag-tech]personal or professional goals[/tag-tech].

So What’s the Short Version of This Message?

The best source of [tag-tech]self help motivation[/tag-tech] available for supporting your ability to keep-on keeping-on is to reconnect with living life in support of something inspiring–your higher purpose.

Until next time…

With great love and a commitment to your success,
Beth & Neill

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