Feeling Frazzled – How Realistic are Your Expectations?
Are you one of those people who take wonderful care of others and constantly puts your own needs at the bottom of the priority list? if so, do you really think you can continue taking care of anything very well–in your career or your relationships–if you don’t take care of your own needs? Of course not! Here is a [tag-tec]natural stress relief tip[/tag-tec] you can start using today.
Unrealistic expectations
lead to ineffective action
Be mindful of getting too caught up in being constantly busy and constantly attending to the needs of others. You must take care of yourself-this includes sleeping well, eating properly, exercising, relaxing, and making sure that you have a comfortable balance between helping others and taking care of yourself.
If you have been neglecting yourself lately, now is the time to begin to make some changes that will bring you more peace, harmony, and some relief.
Identify at least one thing you can do to bring more of this peace and harmony into your life right now. Then continue this process by focusing your attention on other ways to keep peace and harmony in the forefront.
Slow it down
Once you slow down from the constant frenzy of a busy life, you will start to find yourself on the path to contentment.
People, like nails, lose their effectiveness when they lose direction and begin to bend.
~Walter Savage Landor
When we focus our attention on supporting ourselves, we grow. Personal growth allows us to enjoy a happy life, one that is filled with meaning and purpose. And, when we have direction we are more effective at everything we do.