In Search of Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews? Read This First!

Tag: Personal GrowthBeth and Neill

How to Make Your Work Relationships Work Betterperformancereview

Do you know what the most important asset is for any business? Of course you do, the people that work there. Without employees, good employees, no business can succeed. Improving your business starts with improving how your employees do what they do, and how they feel about doing it. The most effective way to do this is using honest evaluations and supportive feedback.

[tag-tec]Effective Performance Reviews[/tag-tec] Start with You

Providing candid and timely reviews for your staff members is essential for maintaining happier and more productive employees. Quality feedback is really the only way that your employees can know how they can support the company’s success and how well they are meeting those expectations.

This type of honest feedback involves more than just praising your staff for good work and criticizing their errors. It is important to have a clear understanding of what your own intentions are and what you are hoping to achieve through the evaluations–and be able to communicate this accurately to your staff.

For instance, imagine that you began every evaluation with the intention to create a supportive, cooperative, and effective workplace. Think about how it would affect your employee’s ability to receive your evaluation if you could communicate this intention to them.

“One of the hardest tasks of leadership is understanding that you are not what you are, but what you’re perceived to be by others.” ~ Edward L. Flom

Start Clear, End Strong

Starting with a positive intention helps promotes clear, open, and honest discussion. This framework creates a powerful setting for mutually beneficial performance reviews and employee feedback.

Clear intentions are the surest way to create strong and cooperative work relationships that help your business thrive.

For more on how to create effective performance reviews using this method read our article: Performance Reviews Your Employees Will Love to Get