Want Happiness? Seek Out Good News!

Tag: Happiness,Personal GrowthBeth and Neill

The good news is…

I’m on a lot of e-mail lists. Lists that offer information about personal growth, spiritual development, Internet marketing, and the list goes on and on. I’m on these lists because I am a lifelong learner. They provide me with insights, understandings, good information, and opportunities for growth and development in different areas of my life.

I’ve been receiving one particular e-mail from a organization called CharityFocus and I would love to share it with you. What this organization offers me is inspiration and we could all definitely use more of that. They do this by finding good news–people and organizations working to uplift and contribute to others.

You can sign up for their daily good news newsletter today by going to: http://www.dailygood.org

Here’s a little tidbit from their last e-mail

No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure. –Emma Goldman

Kids Embrace The Giving Spirit:

The very rich and the very famous capture the headlines for their charitable giving. But another group of avid philanthropists is also leaving its mark. Young people from grade school on are engaged as never before in making a direct difference in the world. They are donating via the Internet to favorite projects overseas, creating their own nonprofits to pursue social causes, and becoming grantmakers on foundation boards to foster change in their home communities. Some youths have gained that awareness from volunteer activities. Many have seen celebrities take up worthy causes. Others have traveled with their families and encountered the challenges many children face in other countries. This article from the Christian Science Monitor read more at:http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1124/p13s01-wmgn.html

Be The Change:
As the holiday season approaches, help introduce a child to the joy of giving.

Trust me, if you want to bring more happiness into your life, seek out good news.  One simple way to do this is by signing up for the dailygood.org newsletter and bring the gift of good news into your life.

With love,

Personal Values and the Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence

This NEW video from our friends over at HeartMath is an overview of the amazing and vital role of the heart in our lives, and how our personal energetics shapes our social relationships and ultimately affects global consciousness.  The video is about creating Personal, Social and ultimately Global Coherence.

Where this HeartMath video talks about the intuitive nature of “heart feelings”, those familiar with our work will recognize that these feelings are generated whenever one is in resonance with that core pattern of values that are central to each person’s makeup. Our experience working with people is in complete harmony with the material presented in this new video, and we wholeheartedly recommend HeartMath’s work.

We hope you enjoy the video!

The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence —

a path to personal, social and global coherence


;-)HeartMath’s mission is to facilitate a fundamental shift in health, well-being and consciousness. The focus of its triple-bottom-line mission is people, planet and profit. And what could be bad about that?

Please leave a comment below and share whether you rely on your heat’s intuitive sense as described in this video and if so, how you have developed or nurture this ability.


Little Known Ways to Rebuild Intimacy in Your Relationship – Part 2

Seven Steps that Rebuild Intimacy – A Seven Part Series

Here’s Step 2. Make sure you don’t miss any of these important steps. We’ll post one a day for each of the next five days. If you missed the beginning of the series, click here: Rebuild Intimacy – Part One

Step 2: Commit to the Discovery Process

Don’t squander your valuable time by playing mind games or expecting the other person to read between the lines. Protect this space so that honest communication can thrive.

For now, we suggest that you forgo discussing “who did what, when”, or trying to fix “problems.” The faster you can get under the surface of your discontent and reveal what you truly want, the sooner you can begin having a truly happy relationship.

We suggest you start your first dialogue by identifying what you each would value most in an ideal relationship–one that’s working, happy and satisfying. Rather than all the words and upset you may be experiencing now, what is it that you truly want to experience?

Is it caring, fun, and predictability, or is it freedom, inspiration, and respect? There are no rules about what you should want. Whatever it is for you is just fine. If you would like some support in this values discovery process, you are welcome to use our complimentary Values Exercise as a guide.

Read Part 3 of this 7 part series, or sign up for our RSS feed so you will be notified automatically when it’s posted.

Pollyanna or Truth You Decide

Believe It or Not?

According to one dictionary, the definition of Pollyanna is a person who is unreasonably or illogically optimistic.

We’ve all heard sayings like, look for the silver lining, turn lemons into lemonade, if at first you don’t succeed, and many many others, but how did these sayings get started? Was it unreasonable or illogical [tag-tec]optimism[/tag-tec], or did they arise out of universal truths.


An Inspirational Video – 12 Things to Remember


If it isn’t clear to you whether to put faith in such statements, one way to decide is to ask yourself, “which feels better?”

Would it feel better to focus your attention on hope and possibility, or not. Would you have more [tag-tec self help motivation]motivation[/tag-tec] to help yourself and those around you, or not.

Believe it or not, it’s up to you. What do you think?

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Inspirational Story – The Love Of A Mother

Tag: inspiration,ParentingBeth and Neill

A touching story we thought you would enjoy.

A little boy approached his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was washing dishes, and presented her a piece of paper. His mom dried her hands, took the paper from the boy and she read it very attentively, this is what it said:

Mowing the lawn: $5.00


Image by Marind is waiting for les tambours de la pluie via Flickr

Cleaning up my room: $5.00

Going to the store for you: $1.50

Baby-sitting while you went shopping: $3.50

Taking out the trash: $1.00

Getting an A in math: $5.00

Cleaning up the yard: $3.00

Total owed: $24.00

His mother took a moment, and the boy could almost see the memories flashing through his mother’s mind.

After some thought she picked up the pen off the counter, turned the paper over that he had handed her, and spent a few minutes writing some things down, then handed it back to the boy.

This is what she wrote:

  • Nine months carrying you while you were growing inside me: No Charge
  • For all the nights that I’ve sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: No Charge
  • For all the meals I’ve cooked, dishes I’ve washed, and clothes I’ve laundered through the years: No Charge
  • For all the trips to the doctors, hospitals, and principles office: No Charge
  • For the toys, clothes, and even for wiping your nose: No Charge
  • Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge.

As the boy read what his mother had written, a big tear rolled down the side of his face. He looked straight into his mother’s eyes and said, “Mom, I love you.” And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: “PAID IN FULL”.

Even as adults we sometimes forget how much our parents did for us and it’s not until we have children of our own that we truly realize the love a parent has for a child.

A mother holds up her child.
Image via Wikipedia

So if by reading this you are reminded of your mother’s love, stop for a moment and, if she’s alive and lives near you,  give her a big kiss and tell her how much you love and appreciate her.

If she is far away, call her. If she has passed away, think of her fondly and enjoy the memories.

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