A Healthy Relationships Checklist – Enhance the Love in Your Life

How do you enhance the love in your life?

A friend recently asked us if we knew of a [tag-tec]relationship checklist[/tag-tec] she and her boyfriend could use as a guide for keeping their year-old [tag-tec]relationship[/tag-tec] on track as it continues to develop.

While there are a lot of lists out there that deal with how to determine if you have a [tag-tec]relationship in trouble[/tag-tec]–what you don’t want–we know of very few that focus on activities you can engage in that will help you [tag-tec]enhance your relationship[/tag-tec]–what you do want.

As you may know we are very fond of saying: What you focus your attention on grows.

Since we believe so strongly that this is true, we were happy to come across a [tag-tec]Relationship Checklist[/tag-tec] developed by Nicholas de Castella of the Institute of Heart Intelligence (www.eq.net.au).

We like it because it shows you [tag-tec]intimacy building activities[/tag-tec] that will get you more of what you do want in your [tag-tec]love relationship[/tag-tec]!

Here are the sections that offer [tag-tec]relationship advice[/tag-tec] for [tag-tec]enhancing the love in your relationship[/tag-tec]:

  • [tag-tec]Have Fun Together[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Maintain Individuality[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Engage Fully[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Spend Time Together[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Speak Your Truth[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Be Vulnerable[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Honor Each Other[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Be Responsible[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Develop Trust[/tag-tec]
  • [tag-tec]Enjoy Sex[/tag-tec]

Each section expands on the topic with some very nice insights and advice.

We found this [tag-tec]Relationship Advice Checklist[/tag-tec] online as a Google Doc.

You can take a look at it here:

