Fear Not – Positive Goal Setting For The New Year

Tag: Motivation,Personal GrowthBeth and Neill

Things only mean what you make the mean

We know that 2008 end on a shaky note for some of you. Please remember that what you focus your attention on grows. Be thankful. Stop and celebrate those things that are going well in your life.

And whatever you do, don’t create [tag-tec]this years goals[/tag-tec] based on any FEAR you may feel about what’s not going well in your life…  Instead craft your 2009 goals while focusing your attention on what you value most.

“A new year is unfolding – like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within.” ~unknown

Your Life Starts Now!

So instead of goals borne from reacting in fear, respond to the opportunities ahead to attain what’s most important to you, and take steps to start creating more of what you really want in life.

For help you can download our free [tag-tec]Values Exercise[/tag-tec].

To do this exercise, pick an area of your life where you’d like to set a goal or make a new years resolution. Do the exercise and discover what you value most in that area. Then come up with a plan to accomplish this based on those values.

Trust us, you can have the life you want… miracles happen when you base your decisions on your true inner knowing.

Wishing you more happiness, health, and abundance than all our words can say, not just for today, but for all your days to come.

With great love,
Beth and Neill