Don’t Give Up – Stop Settling For Less Now
I Guess You’ll Do.
Are You Settling for Less in Your Life?
Yes, this is just a silly little video–both funny and sad–but after watching it you might want to ask yourself these questions: Is my life the effect of societal expectations? Am I settling for less than what I truly want?
If so, you’re not alone. We believe settling for less happens because people haven’t discovered what they are truly passionate about–what brings joy and meaning to their lives. Or, if they do know what they’re passionate about, they’re not sure how to create a life that embodies this passion.
If you don’t know what you’re passionate about, try asking yourself these questions:
1. What brings me the greatest joy?
2. How do I most like spending my time?
3. Who is the person I admire most in the world?
Your answers to these questions will give you clues to what you are passionate about. When you learn the answer to these questions–and get to the core of what you’re passionate about–you can begin discovering ways you can experience more of these things in your life.
Knowing what’s most important to you is the very first step you must take in order to stop settling and start creating the life you truly want.
Take the time to survey your life and answer the questions above. Pick at least one of the qualities you want to experience in your life. Then identify at least two ways that this quality already exists in your life. If it doesn’t exist, then come up with at least one action you can take to create it. After you’ve taken this action notice what starts to happen.
Remember, the shortest path to a happy life is found through conscious choice.
With love,
Beth and Neill
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